Teenagers Skin Care and Massage

A visual representation of common conditions treated with Manual Lymph Drainage therapy at Hands On HealthCare Massage Therapy in Commack, Long Island.

Oh, to have a teenager! Oh, to be a teenager! Massage Therapy can be a way to deal with many of the physical and emotional turmoil of this tender age.

The teenage body is in the midst of transformation — exponential growth and development in a rapid period of time. On the physical side, teens may be at increased risk for aches, pains, and injury. Many teens strain their bodies with competitive sports, get erratic sleep, and consume a less-than-optimal diet. Massage can help muscles recover from overuse and help balance the body and maintain that stability. Perhaps even more crucial, teen massage can help improve body image and sleep patterns, and contribute to decreased depression, anxiety, and stress. This keeps a teen connected to her/his body, even as it morphs in confounding ways.

We are ready and waiting to assist teens in finding ways to de-stress and enhance their feelings of well being. According to Reuters Health, one third of the nation’s teens report feeling stressed-out daily due to overwhelming expectations by parents and society, peer pressure and hormonal changes. Hands On HealthCare Massage Therapy offers massage therapy sessions designed specifically to help teenagers learn about relaxing and taking care of themselves.

With teens receiving all sorts of messages today about their bodies and beauty, all the terrible news stories about ” bad” touch, etc., it is essential to be clear about the importance of health, wellness and “good” touch.

A teen’s spa experience can be educational and tailored to make them feel comfortable. We offer Massage Therapy sessions that introduce proper breathing techniques, progressive relaxation techniques, and other stress relieving lessons as part of the session. Our environment offers teens a relaxing safe haven where they can de-stress, rejuvenate, be themselves and learn how to care for themselves physically as well as emotionally.


A visual representation of common conditions treated with Manual Lymph Drainage therapy at Hands On HealthCare Massage Therapy in Commack, Long Island.

Mother-daughter experiences are also an excellent way to establish healthy habits and introduce a positive lifestyle to a younger generation. Visit our Couples Spa Date Menu page for some session suggestions. Group Spa treatments amongst teens are becoming more and more popular as well. Sweet Sixteen Parties are becoming Spa Parties.

There are plenty of reasons why this age group should be encouraged to give Massage Therapy a try. The benefits of massage are well-documented. Questions? Concerns? Give us a call! Make sure to fill-out our Parental Consent Form

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