Hands On HealthCare Massage Therapy and Wellness Day Spa

Gratitude-Hands On HealthCare Massage Therapy in Commack

Gratitude: The Surprising Solution to Better Health

Did you know that gratitude can have a tremendous impact on your health? A recent study, titled “The Role of Gratitude in Spiritual Well-Being in Asymptomatic Heart Failure Patients,” found that it plays an important part in overall wellbeing. The study found that being thankful helped...

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Stretching For Stress

Time to Un-Wind and Stretch

Stretching For Stress When stress weighs you down and you feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, try this simple, yet effective stretch for the chest muscles. It will help you from slumping forward and give your lungs some room to...

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3 Commonly used Brain-Boosting Spices

3 Commonly used Brain-Boosting Spices 

What do you think of when you’re considering which spices to add to your recipe? As you know, spices are tasty and easy to add to multiple dishes you cook at home, but it may come as a surprise to you to find out that...

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Why You Need a Massage

We are big proponents of regular, year-round massage and we could talk your ear off about the benefits. We’ll spare you from it this time (you’re welcome!), but we have listed the top 3 reasons why a massage may be just what you need to...

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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

The color green may positively impact our thinking, our relationships, and our physical health. Green is thought to relieve stress and help heal. There are many health benefits to going green. Some of these include: Giving you a sense of purpose, teaches mindfulness and lowers the...

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How to Add a Wellness Program to Your Life

It’s important for all of us to take responsibility for our health and overall wellness in life. If you want to improve how you feel, how you look, or any other component in your life, developing a wellness program is the way to do it! Developing...

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Stress Awareness

Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month which is appropriate since Tax Day is approaching! To help you de-stress this month and gain more balance, we included all sorts of de-stress solutions and tax credits to help you save and feel better! Massages can relieve tension, anxiety, pain...

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