8 Ways to Enhance Your Brain Right Now

As you age, your brain ages just like every other part of your body. While a loss of your long jumping abilities might be a little depressing, it’s far more depressing to lose your mental functions. The best defense is a good offense. There are many things you can do to enhance your brain’s abilities.

The further you can increase your mental capacities, the longer you’ll be able to enjoy good brain health and functioning. There’s no time like today to get started. Pick a few of these strategies and begin enhancing your brain today!


You can enhance your brain in simple and enjoyable ways, like these:

1. Sleep! Nothing does more for your memory, motor skills, and cognitive skills in general than a good night of sleep. Strive for at least seven hours of sleep each night. Go to bed at a regular time and keep your room dark and quiet.

2. Experiment with your diet. Your diet can have a significant effect on your mental faculties. Cut back on milk products, gluten, processed meats, and artificial colors and flavors. Eliminate all processed foods and see how you feel.

3. Do mental puzzles. These can include crossword puzzles, word scrambles, Sudoku, chess, or any other type of mental exercise. You could even do math problems. Give your brain a workout each day. You can even do this while watching TV at night.

4. Learn something new. You could learn a language or how to play the banjo. Maybe you want to learn how to paint portraits or rebuild a Chevy V8. Your brain actually changes structure when you learn. Keep your brain’s neuroplasticity in tip-top shape by challenging it regularly.

5. Listen to music. There is some research that supports the idea that listening to classical music increases certain types of intelligence. Enjoy yourself by listening to music while boosting your mental capabilities.

6. Exercise. Exercise strengthens nerve cells by a variety of mechanisms. It also improves blood flow to the brain. Studies show that animals that are exercised learn up to twice as fast. Do a variety of exercises. The key is to get your blood flowing and to enjoy the process enough that you’ll do it consistently.

7. Be social. Studies show that social seniors have significantly better brain function than those that are less socially active. Social activities provide a different type of stimulation that does your brain good. Get out of the house and mingle with others.

8. Practice variety. A routine can be limiting to your brain. Change up activities. Instead of doing the same thing each night, shake things up a little bit. You might go out to eat one night, go bowling another, and stay at home and cook something new on the next evening. New experiences challenge your brain.


Your brain loses up to 10% of its weight between the ages of 20 and 80. You can combat the effects of aging by exercising your brain regularly. A proper diet and enough sleep can also work wonders.

Aging is inevitable, but you can get ahead of the curve and enhance your brain function today. Fortunately, many of the most effective strategies are also enjoyable!






All information stated is for educational and informational purposes only, to help the client to pursue his/her life goals in a healthy manner. Coaching is NOT a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. Coaching is not to be used in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment, or therapy. The content should not substitute for medical advice from a qualified health care professional, medical or psychological (mental) diagnosis, treatment, and care.


Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information shared on or through our website, the information may accidentally contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Every effort has been made to present you with the most accurate, up-to-date information, but because the nature of scientific research is constantly evolving, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the content.



Serving the Chronic Condition Community
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Marla Kaplan
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